NDFR : FTPRush 1.0
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FTPRush est un excellent client FTP/FXP basé sur UltraFXP. Il permet de se connecter à plusieurs FTP en même temps, d'exécuter de nombreuses commandes, de programmer les envois/téléchargement, d'utiliser des proxys. Entre autres fonctions utiles on retrouve une interface avec onglets supportant des connections multiples simultanées aux serveurs, une interface complètement personnalisable, le support du FXP et du FXP en mode SSL/TLS, les connexions en modes AUTH SSL, AUTH TLS, Implicit SSL, un gestionnaire de tâches, la possibilité de transferts avec SkipList et AllowList, un module de script intégré (pascal script), etc. Il est surtout disponible en plusieurs langues, dont le français.

Les principales nouveautés concernent un "moteur de transfert plus rapide, un téléchargement multi-stream, des options des synchronisation".
Changelog complet de la version 1.0 finale (de la build 568 en fait)
UpdRush.exe updated
RushIcon.DLL not exists anymore. Now FTPRush use RushIcon.lib and RushInit.lib
User data file now saved to windows user data folder
Ansi/Unicode config file is not compatible now, because of we encoding string as UTF8 to config files
The Unicode version is faster now , we recommand you use unicode version except you using Windows 9X
Script kernal changed. so if you can't load your script, please del *.pcc file from your ftprush and try to load script again
"Disconnect after transferred" option for "conditional transfer"
"Manual transfer" at "Advance Transfer" menu, for non-listable FTP or TFTP
RS_TRANSFER for FTP.RemoveQueue function
Transfer selected queue (queue menu)
"Upper First Letter of Every Word" added for "rename multiple files"
"and disconnect from site" when stop anti idle (option/connection/antiidle)
New mIRC dll with source, supporting FTP.RAW return result to mIRC
RS_ONE for FTP.RAW to only allow execute command on one connected site evenif there have 2+ same sites connected
Tweak thread pool size. (option/general)
"Data folder Path" for multiple user usage. (option/general)
Multi-Stream downloading. "Remote Popup menu"/"Advance Transfer"/"Multi stream download", for FTP downloading
Export/Import layout button from "Save layout Dialog"
Right click on the Compare Folder button after compare, auto reload dir list from both window.
when move ftp files to other folders, with SHIFT pressed. FTPRush will try to delete these files inside "move to" folders
Manual backup/restore configuration. (mainmenu/file)
sync option for conditional transfer
%W% and %WW% variables be added for ISO WeekNumber
"delete task after task finished" (task property dialog)
per site custom List command
"Exclude" edit box at "Find files at FTP server"
Backup configuration files daily. (option/general)
Completeflag auto applied to sub dirs (license version)
Deepth param now working for the FTP.Transfer (license version)
Tweak thread pool size. (option/general)
"show recent sites" (option/display)
Transfer selected queue (queue menu). queue will stop automatically after selected queue be transferred
"and disconnect from site" when stop anti idle (option/connection/antiidle)
Set progressbar color for main window. (option/display/color)
"On Transfer Completed" menu added: shutdown/standby/suspend/exit
Show source/destination at transfer status log (option/transfer/queue)
Clear container queue by manual logout of a transferring site (option/transfer/queue)
Allow restart UPnP service. (Main menu / tools)
New thread pool engine, support auto pooling resize
About dialog display current running time and pool status
RS_POPUP added for all RushApp.FTP function. to bring FTPRush to front
Support SSCN FXPing
SFTP support keyboard Authentication
import/export skiplist . per site. combines skip/allow in one txt file
"Upper First Letter of Every Word" added for "rename multiple files"
CTRL+F supports find Unicode string in wildcard mode (unicode version)
"Edit Queue" when double click a queueitem. (option/mouse action)
RS_CHECKLOGIN added for FTP.Transfer (reg version)
"Add parent dir of the selected to queue" for Remote/Local popup menu, via toolbar customize dialog
Add parent dir of the selected to queue. ("find files at FTP server")
Per site "Send noop during transfer". (site property/transfer/upload and download)
Per site download/upload account for transfer. (site property/Connection/account)
"Recent Sites" entry of Site dropdown menu
Per queue window "on transfer completed"
Set progressbar color for main window. (option/display/color)
"Do not delete downloaded bad files" . (option/misc/CRC)
CTRL+F supports find Unicode string in wildcard mode (unicode version)
new timezone combobox "site properties"/"General". you may need recheck your site timezone
Better handle Send NOOP/ABOR during transferring
Config/Sites XML now be saved every 10 minutes
Switch server menu now display all idle server with remote path
New kernal and thread framework
Standby queue items wake up rules
Rules of refreshing when local file/folder changed
task window refresh automatically after task executed
Abort queue now is fast
Disk logging now is faster and allow you open log file when FTPRush running
"Transfer As"/"Queue As" now support multiple files/folders
More Statusbar information when transfering
Wildcard matching now 10 times faster than ansi version. (unicode version)
Proxy Setting of connected sites never changed until you manual logout
Using SSL Locking to let OpenSSL working on multithreading mode
PASV/PORT auto switch not working on uploading/downloading
AV Error when triger move queue hotkey and queue window is empty
FTP command reply message was not sync
Some quick connect menu bugs
SSH connection made 100% CPU usage when have no data incoming
Logout windows failed when FTPRush is running
Default ftp user/pass not working when create new site
Global Custom List Mode not saved
Now disk log always write timestamp
Auto rename did not applied to queueitem
Memory leak when List SFTP directory
After large transfering with hours. FTPRush cause a "No TCP/IP buffer" system error
Now MD5 checker knows how to handle a MD5 file with * at filename
PORT a internet IP evenif the FTP server is inside internal network.
Replace Range of Multiple Rename may cause 100% cpu usage
bugs at "current editing files"

Plus d'infos sur le site officiel
Télécharger FTPRush 1.0

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8 commentaires pour “FTPRush 1.0”

  1. KnuX a dit (le 17-02-2006 à 10:18)
    Operating Systems: Windows 98/Me/NT4.0/2000/XP/2003.
    Snif... Vivement que FileZilla 3 soit stable ^^
  2. Yttrium889 a dit (le 17-02-2006 à 18:40)
    Il manquerait juste une licence GPL derrière tout ça et se serait le "bonheur" ...
  3. Jackydown a dit (le 17-02-2006 à 22:15)
    Il est gratuit ?
  4. Yttrium889 a dit (le 17-02-2006 à 22:18)
    Nop, Shareware de 30 jour puis 29,50$ la licence.
  5. Jackydown a dit (le 18-02-2006 à 01:06)
  6. LeMoi a dit (le 05-04-2006 à 17:12)
    Une build 582 semble annoncée à la recherche de mises à jour du logiciel, mais aucune info sur le site officiel
  7. LeMoi a dit (le 08-04-2006 à 20:30)

    Allow to see password of upload/download account of site properties dialog
    Allow to see password of proxy form
    Multiple rename now replace all "." if the name is a folder
    Multiple rename now allow use "[N12-]" format


    Monitor folder feature of site now resolve date variables
    Remote path of site now resolve date variables when connecting
    AV error when restore from tray
    Process explorer can restore FTPRush without asking password when locked to tray


    Showing site properties dialog is fater than before
    Clipboard monitor disabled when locked to tray


    When FEAT contains "REST STREAM", do not send RESUME command
    Now autocomplete property of address in site property dialog diabled
    No more tray hints when locked to tray


    "Apply" button,(option dialog)
    Showing option dialog is faster than before
    now remove the "." if PWD result is "/xxxx/xxxx/." format
    minor fix for loading recent sites from disk
    AV error when removed a proxy from option dialog
    Remote/Local window now don't resize column width when sorting


    Improved Script kernel
    Popup window did not appear when "Queue Transferred" enabled and "No transfer" disabled
    after drag action, remote/local window lost selection since build 575
    fixed a float exception when active tray hint
    address edit of quick connect bar did not save text after mouse click on another edit
    the gradient property of progressbar did not be loaded when startup


    Import/Export XML format site file, do need restart FTPRush when import/export and allow select a group to import/export

    Même lien
  8. mustang89 a dit (le 08-04-2006 à 21:02)
    Qu'est ce qu'ils savent bien compter chez FTPRush même avec de gros nombres

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