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Messenger Plus! Live 4.00
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Old 06-06-2007, 14:44
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Version 4.23.276
Messenger Plus! Live 4.23.276 (05/06/2007)
* Fixed: the icon to access the 6th anniversary contest disappears after June 5th.
* Fixed: the "Format Codes" button is not added in the Messenger options in Chinese versions of Messenger.
* Fixed: in some rare instances, Messenger 8.5 may crash after closing a chat window (remember that support for this version of Messenger is still beta though)..
* Fixed a couple of other small problems.
Télécharger Messenger Plus! Live 4.23.276
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Old 09-12-2007, 13:26
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Messenger Plus! Live 4.50.310

Lien direct de la news : Messenger Plus! Live 4.50.310
Patchou nous avait promis de sortir une nouvelle version, et bien c'est chose faite ! En ce 9 décembre 2007, je vous présente Messenger Plus! Live 4.50.
Tout d'abord, il faut signaler que MPL 4.50 est compatible avec Windows Live Messenger 8.1 et 8.5 ainsi que la 1ère bêta de la version 9.0 (il indique qu'il n'est pas très conseillé de l'installer si on a cette version) et annonce l'arrivée d'une petite chose de rien du tout qui va sûrement plaire à certains... La possibilité de skinner WLM !

MPL 4.50 ajoute quelques autres petite fonctions bienvenues et d'autres améliorations qu'il est très difficile de nommer tellement il y en a
Le mieux est de consulter le changelog :
Changelog de Messenger Plus! Live 4.50
# The look of all the Messenger Plus! windows has been updated, we hope you'll like the changes!
# Brand new feature: Messenger skinning. Change the face of Messenger!

* This new feature allows skins to be applied directly in the memory of Messenger. No file is changed, several skins can be installed and each of them is safe to use: no more installation or update problems caused by hard-patched skins. No more need to patch DLL files, everything is done in a single XML file.
* Installation of new skins couldn't be easier: download a Skin Pack, click on it and press Import. The same distribution method used for scripts is used for skins.
* The Messenger Plus! skinning engine is fully documented in more than 30 pages of documentation. Skin developers: all you have to do is read the first sections of the documentation to get started! it is accessible from the new Skins sections of the Preferences panel.
* Messenger Plus! skins bring many new features previously unavailable to skin developers: user modifiable options, multi-language support and even a way to re-shape the windows of Messenger! all the advantages, for both developers and users, are listed in the "What's a Skin in Messenger Plus! ?" section of the documentation.
* Messenger Plus! extracts all the pertinent resources of Messenger with a single click, organizes the files in categories, decrypts most of the RLE encrypted pictures, creates maps of which picture is used by which window and rebuilds windows definitions and styles files to include most of the de-referenced data directly inside the file (like color codes, texts, ...). In less than a minute, you'll get everything you'll ever need to customize anything you want in Messenger.
* Messenger Plus! itself can now be skinned with this system.
* A new skin database has been added to If you create a skin that you're proud of, submit it to us and show it to the world! be among the firsts to provide new looks for Messenger to millions of users all around the word.

# Some sections of the Preferences panel have been reorganised, everything is clearer now.
# Compatible with the current Windows Live Messenger 9.0 Beta.

* Unless you're an official tester of WLM9, registered on Connect, it is highly recommended that you do not install this new version of Messenger until Microsoft releases something more suitable for general public use. Things like personal message links and custom sign-in sounds are already available in Messenger Plus! anyway.
* Keep in mind that compatibility with beta versions is never perfect. For example, you won't be able to decrypt RLE files in WLM9 and you may receive an error message about wlcomm.exe when installing Messenger Plus! or restarting Messenger. This is all part of the joy of using beta versions.

Le reste du changelog (c'est long et toujours en anglais)
Télécharger Messenger Plus! Live 4.50.310

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Old 20-03-2008, 12:41
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Messenger Plus! Live 4.60

Lien direct de la news : Messenger Plus! Live 4.60
Patchou nous offre aujourd'hui une nouvelle version majeure de son plug-in additionel pour Windows Live Messenger baptisé Messenger Plus! Live.
Cette version 4.60(.324) offre de nouvelles fonctions et améliore celles qui étaient déjà présentes dans la 4.50 comme le support des fonctions Plus! dans la fenêtre de conversation Mobile (fonction SMS de WLM), un meilleur support des avatars animés pour WLM 9.0 Bêta sans compter de nouvelles fonctions comme (par exemple) envoyer un fichier sur un serveur FTP ou encore de dézipper une archive.

D'autres nouveautés sont précisées dans le changelog :
Messenger Plus! Live 4.60.324 (19/03/2008 )

* You can now filter yourself out from event logging.
* Mobile Device chat windows are now fully supported by Messenger Plus!.
o Features like Quick Texts, commands, smart tags and previous message recall are now accessible the same way as they are in normal chat windows.
o Logging is fully functional.
o Mobile chat windows are now tabbed too. If you prefer keeping your mobile chats separated from one another, you can use the new TabMobileChatWnds registry setting.
* If too many Plus! notification popups try to be displayed on screen, Messenger Plus! queues the extra windows to be displayed later, when possible (so that notifications aren't displayed out of screen).
* WMA sounds can now be selected for event notifications.
* Fixed: some animated GIF display pics (Messenger 9) display improperly in the Contact Information windows.
* Fixed: /font does not work in Messenger 9 Beta.
* Fixed: some of Messenger Plus!'s own resources are loaded before the currently enabled skin, preventing them to be modified.
* Fixed: a couple of bugs that could cause Messenger to crash in some specific occasions. More stability! always a good thing.
* Fixed: external libraries distributed with scripts that need registration on import (OLE or .NET) fail to register in Windows Vista with UAC on. Messenger Plus! also makes absolutely sure now that the libraries are properly registered before trying to start the script for the first time.
* Fixed: notification popups from Messenger Plus! may steal the focus.
* Fixed: notification windows from Messenger Plus! don't animate depending on your Windows settings.
* Fixed: Messenger may not lock or unlock properly when using several Messenger accounts (polygamy) with the same shortcut specified for locking or unlocking.
* Scripts: a new function called Interop.GetCallbackPtr() has been added. It allows the creation of callback parameters for Windows API calls to functions like EnumWindows.

La suite du changelog
Messenger Plus! Live 4.60 supporte donc WLM 8, 8.1, 8.5 et partiellement la 9.0 bêta sur Windows XP à 2008 32 ou 64bits.

Télécharger Messenger Plus! Live 4.60.324
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Old 01-11-2008, 14:47
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Une version 4.79 bêta vient d'être publiée publiquement par Patchou qui a pour principale nouveauté la compatibilité avec Windows Live Messenger 2009 Milestone 3 (version 14), naturellement des améliorations diverses ont été effectuées. Le support de la toute première version bêta de WLM 9 (oui version 9) a été supprimée.
Messenger Plus! Live 4.79.342 Beta (31/10/2008 )

* This change log is for a beta version. It will be updated until the final version is released.
* Compatibility for the Windows Live Messenger 9 Beta version of 2007 has been removed.
* Contacts from Yahoo! Messenger are now handled better by Messenger Plus!.
* Added compatibility for the current public Beta version of Windows Live Messenger 9 (also known as Version 2009 Wave 3 and Version 14).
o Everything is supposed to be operational in the software with the new beta, including scripts and skins. Oh yeah.
o The "Show contacts as Idle" option will properly display "Idle" for your contacts' status in chat windows but not in the contact list. For that reason, an "(Idle)" indicator has been added in the contact list's tooltip (Messenger 9 only).
o The Messenger Plus! menus displayed by buttons added in the windows of Messenger are more properly aligned.
o Skins: when a skin that redefines the shape of a window in Messenger is loaded in Messenger 9, the window frame present in Vista is properly removed.
o Skins: some of the animated pictures extracted and decoded by the Resource Extractor can't be replaced with the animation kept intact.
o Skins: vertical gradient colors cannot be created for Messenger 9, only horizontal gradients are supported.
* Messenger Plus! now displays many of its windows using the specific color selected for each contact. Display pictures are also displayed in contact related popup notifications (can be turned off in the preferences).
* The Contact Information window now displays an animation for animated display pictures.
* When chatting with more than 2 people, the size of the header in chat logs is now reduced.
* When chatting in a group in Messenger 9, whenever possible, Messenger Plus! creates a single chat log file associated to the group.
* The "enhance copy/paste" feature now doesn't do anything with pictures and lets Messenger handles it.
* A new icon is displayed in tabbed chats for group chats.
* Windows 7 is now properly reported by (!VER). Messenger Plus! is currently reported to work on this OS.
* Fixed: the Messenger Plus! icons may not be added in the Messenger windows if a skin is enabled but failed to load.
* Fixed: spin controls in the emotion sound wizard are inversed.
* Fixed: Messenger Plus! windows don't look good when a very bright color is selected in Messenger. The color of titles in all windows has been darkened too.
* Fixed: in Messenger 8.5, the names of contacts that are using Messenger 9 may be displayed incorrectly by Messenger Plus!.
* Fixed: Messenger may crash on startup if a hooking error occurs (problem introduced in version 4.70).
* Fixed: when several user sessions are active and Messenger Plus! needs to restart Messenger (when importing a skin for example), the Messengers of all the user sessions are closed.
* Fixed: "Format Codes" button not added in the the Chinese Messenger options.
* Scripts: Image elements now support GIF pictures. Use the new AllowAnimate attribute to automatically animate the picture on screen.
* Scripts: MsgPlus.DisplayToastContact now supports an additional "Contact" parameter to allow Messenger Plus! to colorize the toasts your script display according to a contact's profile.
* Scripts: added a new "ProfileColor" property to Contact objects. You can use this to know what color is currently associated to a specific contact (according to its Messenger profile).
* Scripts: added a new "BaseColor" property to PlusWnd objects. Use it if you want to modify the base color of your windows, for example, to match contact specific colors.
* Scripts and Skins: the <AllowAutoUpdate> element now also takes effect if no Build Number or Update Id is specified.
* Scripts. Fixed: DataBloc::ReadInterfacePtr() does not work as expected.
* Skins: the Resource Extractor has been improved for Messenger 9.
o All UI files are extracted and consolidated properly from Messenger 9.
o The "rcanim", "rcfloat", "rcbmp" and "rcchar" resource identifiers are now recognized and handled properly.
o RLE resources are properly decrypted again (this was not the case with the last beta version of Messenger 9).
o Cursors are extracted.
o Strings from "msgres" are extracted.
o Added basic consolidation mode (third check state in the Resource Extractor window). Use it to produce consolidated windows files that can be used safely in your final skin. Things like strings are not replaced in this mode (for localisation reasons).
* Skins: the skininfo schema file has been modified for Messenger 9.
o Strings from "msgres" can now be modified.
o The cursors specified in "msgres" can be replaced.
* Skins. Fixed: Metadata is not applied properly when replacing pictures that did not any Metadata in the first place.
* Skins: the tabbed chat bar can now be skinned with the picture of your choice, displayed in mosaic and colorized if required. The "MessengerPlus\TabbedChatBar" option element has been deprecated and it is recommended that you do not use it (it may not produce good results in Messenger 9).
* Skins. Fixed: Build and Revision can be inversed when reading the Information\Compatibility element.
* Skins: thanks to research done by Willz, a new element named "FrameCount" has been added to picture's Metadata. You can use it when replacing or adding animated pictures.
Télécharger Messenger Plus! Live 4.79 Bêta pour WLM 8.5 et 2009 M3
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Old 04-02-2009, 12:00
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Messenger Plus! Live 4.80

Lien direct de la news : Messenger Plus! Live 4.80
Il y a quelques jours, Patchou nous a gratifié de la sortie d'une nouvelle version du célèbre add-on de Windows Live Messenger alias Messenger Plus! Live. Le logiciel vient effectivement de sortir en version 4.80 offrant dès à présent le support officiel de Windows Live Messenger 2009 ainsi que de Windows 7 Bêta 1.

Les nouveautés sont nombreusex, mais elles ne sont que mineures pour l'instant, car Patchou travaille déjà sur une version 5.0 qui offrira une interface mieux travaillée et cohabitera mieux avec les patchs de personnalisation tels que A-Patch ou MessPatch.

La version 4.80 offre des améliorations, dans la gestion et la création des skins pour Windows Live Messenger.
Voici le changelog assez long pour tout connaître des changements de cette version :
Messenger Plus! Live 4.80.356 (31/01/2009)

* This version is entirely compatible with the final version of Windows Live Messenger 2009 (build 1202). Yes, that includes chat logging, emotion sounds, skins, scripts and so on .
o The "Show contacts as Idle" option will properly display "Idle" for your contacts' status in chat windows but not in the contact list. For that reason, an "(Idle)" indicator has been added in the contact list's tooltip (Messenger 9 only).
o The Messenger Plus! menus displayed by buttons added in the windows of Messenger are more properly aligned.
o Skins: when a skin that redefines the shape of a window in Messenger is loaded in Messenger 9, the window frame present in Vista is properly removed.
o Skins: vertical gradient colors cannot be created for Messenger 9, only horizontal gradients are supported.
* The new UIB encoded version of the windows' styles and definitions is completely supported by Messenger Plus!.
o For skinners, this means that Messenger Plus! will decode the files automatically when extracting the resources and will re-encode them automatically when added in a skin. For everybody else, it means Messenger Plus! will still rock in 2009! .
o Notes about UIB decoding: in order to make things as simple as possible for the skin developers, Messenger Plus! generates definition files and style files almost identical to what you used to see in Messenger before. One of the differences you'll notice is a <*PlusSkin*/> tag on top of each file: do not remove it or alter it.
o Skins: if you used to write some strange exotic syntax in your windows' files which was previously accepted and parsed by Messenger, Messenger Plus! may not be so tolerant. The opposite is also true as Messenger Plus! may accept things that Messenger did not (like character escaping in strings such as "\n"). In the end, most developers won't ever notice a difference though.
o Skins: Windows Definition files and Windows Styles files can still be included separately in your skins. If one of the two files is missing, Messenger Plus! will decode the internal UIB file in order to get the missing piece before re-encoding everything (this may slow down Messenger a little at the first occurrence).
o Skins: the skin trace file will now include more precise information when a loading error occurs as Messenger Plus! is doing the parsing itself. Also, note that if a window file cannot be parsed properly, the original one from Messenger will now be used instead.
* Information for all add-on and patch developers working on Messenger: in order for you to keep on working on your software, I have decided to allow you to encode and decode UIB files for your own use.
o "MPTools.exe", which is available in the Messenger Plus! directory, will take care of your UIB needs. All you have to do is specify the source and destination files and MPTools will do the rest.
o You have two ways to use this feature: if your add-on/patch requires live modifications to the windows files based on some user options, Messenger Plus! will need to be installed on your users' computers and your software will need to call MPTools before and after you modify the file. If you only need fixed changes to be applied on one given version of Messenger, you can decode, modify and re-encode the files yourself and distribute the final UIB file which won't require Messenger Plus! to be installed.
o Although both solutions will work perfectly fine, doing live encoding and decoding with MPTools will always be the recommended for many reasons, the first one being that your add-on will benefit from all the future update automatically and will stay compatible with the next versions of Messenger. Note that MPTools.exe cannot be redistributed and used on its own though, Messenger Plus! needs to be installed for the tool to work (you can either link it from your software or download/install it automatically, with the /Silent switch or not, you decide).
o Check out the new "Encoding and Decoding UIB" section of the skinning documentation for more details.
* Compatibility with all previous beta versions of Windows Live Messenger 9/14/2009 has been removed (more than a year of betas for this one!).
* Contacts from Yahoo! Messenger are now handled better by Messenger Plus!.
* Messenger Plus! now displays many of its windows using the specific color selected for each contact. Display pictures are also displayed in contact related popup notifications (can be turned off in the preferences).
* The Contact Information window now displays an animation for animated display pictures.
* When chatting with more than 2 people, the size of the header in chat logs is now reduced.
* When chatting in a group in Messenger 2009, whenever possible, Messenger Plus! creates a single chat log file associated to the group.
* The "enhance copy/paste" feature now doesn't do anything with pictures and lets Messenger handles it.
* A new icon is displayed in tabbed chats for group chats.
* Windows 7 is now properly reported by (!VER). Messenger Plus! is currently reported to work on this OS.
* The Multiple Accounts option (polygamy) is now compatible with the Windows 7 jump list tasks (tasks are sent to the Messenger that was launched in last).
* A couple of things have been improved internally to ensure the reliability of the sound modules in Messenger Plus! (especially when using emotion sounds).
* Emotion sounds are not automatically played anymore when Messenger is locked.
* The Greek language is now part of the official distribution.
* Setup is now faster if many of scripts and skins are installed.
* Fixed: the Messenger Plus! icons may not be added in the Messenger windows if a skin is enabled but failed to load.
* Fixed: spin controls in the emotion sound wizard are inversed.
* Fixed: Messenger Plus! windows don't look good when a very bright color is selected in Messenger. The color of titles in all windows has been darkened too.
* Fixed: in Messenger 8.5, the names of contacts that are using Messenger 2009 may be displayed incorrectly by Messenger Plus!.
* Fixed: Messenger may crash on startup if a hooking error occurs (problem introduced in version 4.70).
* Fixed: when several user sessions are active and Messenger Plus! needs to restart Messenger (when importing a skin for example), the Messengers of all the user sessions are closed.
* Fixed: "Format Codes" button not added in the the Chinese Messenger options.
* Fixed: the password parameter for command line encryption with LogViewer.exe requires password that have a minimum length of 4 characters.
* Fixed: /PlusSkin="" is ignored and does not prevent the current skin to be loaded.
* The "Use the default scene" option available in chat windows is now supported by Messenger Plus!. Note however that Messenger 2009 has a bug preventing this option to work properly sometimes when changed and requiring the chat window to be closed and reopened. Messenger Plus! always sticks to the option as you selected it.
* Scripts: Image elements now support GIF pictures. Use the new AllowAnimate attribute to automatically animate the picture on screen.
* Scripts: MsgPlus.DisplayToastContact now supports an additional "Contact" parameter to allow Messenger Plus! to colorize the toasts your script display according to a contact's profile.
* Scripts: added a new "ProfileColor" property to Contact objects. You can use this to know what color is currently associated to a specific contact (according to its Messenger profile).
* Scripts: added a new "BaseColor" property to PlusWnd objects. Use it if you want to modify the base color of your windows, for example, to match contact specific colors.
* Scripts and Skins: the <AllowAutoUpdate> element now also takes effect if no Build Number or Update Id is specified.
* Scripts. Fixed: DataBloc::ReadInterfacePtr() does not work as expected.
* Skins: the Resource Extractor has been improved for Messenger 2009.
o The "rcanim", "rcbmp" and "rcchar" resource identifiers are now recognized and handled properly.
o Cursors are extracted.
o Strings from "msgres" are extracted.
o Added basic consolidation mode (third check state in the Resource Extractor window, looks like a square). Use it to produce consolidated windows files that can be used safely in your final skin. Things like strings are not replaced in this mode (for localisation reasons).
* Skins: the skininfo schema file has been modified for Messenger 2009.
o Strings from "msgres" can now be modified.
o The cursors specified in "msgres" can be replaced.
o Remember that the version number of the new Messenger is 14.0 and not 9.0 (keep that in mind when writing your <Restrictions> elements).
* Skins. Fixed: Metadata is not applied properly when replacing pictures that did not any Metadata in the first place.
* Skins: the tabbed chat bar can now be skinned with the picture of your choice, displayed in mosaic and colorized if required. Check out "PlusSkin\ResGroup\TabbedChatBar" for more details.
o Note: the "MessengerPlus\TabbedChatBar" option element has been deprecated and it is recommended that you do not use it (it may not produce good results in Messenger 9).
* Skins. Fixed: Build and Revision can be inversed when reading the Information\Compatibility element.
* Skins: thanks to research done by Willz, a new element named "FrameCount" has been added to picture's Metadata. You can use it when replacing or adding animated pictures.
* Skins: the Resource Extractor now supports the new resource types introduced in Messenger 2009 (which are used transparently while consolidating the windows data).
* Skins: the color map file generated by the Resource Extractor now specifies "ref" for color ids that are references to other colors.
* Skins: the number of encrypted RLE files the Resource Extractor was not able to process fell from 158 in the last beta to 2 in Messenger 2009! (and it's because those two produce an empty result so for now, I prefer considering them as un-processed). This special kind of RLE file has a variable size, the content is generated dynamically with the size requested by Messenger at any given time. Once decrypted, "_var" is attached to the name of the file to make sure you don't forget about it when modifying the resource (if you replace those by pictures, make sure your pictures are big enough to avoid looking pixelized).
* Skins: added "ResetUserScenes" value in the "Options\Messenger" element. It's considered to be "true" by default and is used to remove the currently selected scene from all the user profiles when a skin is selected. Disable this option if your skin is meant to be used in conjunction with scenes.
* Skins: you can now add a "SkinOptions" element in "PlusSkin" resource groups. Use it for conditional skinning of Messenger Plus! resources based on the skin's properties.
* Skins: because Messenger 2009 restricts the command ids that can be sent from sub-windows to parent windows (like the top toolbar in the contact list), a work-around has been added to Messenger Plus!. Instead of adding a "cmdid" attribute, you need to add a specially formatted "accvalue" attribute. For example, instead of cmdid=7460 you'll need to add accvalue="Messenger Plus! CmdId: 7460".
Télécharger Messenger Plus! Live 4.80
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Old 01-07-2009, 01:31
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Dernière mise à jour de la version 4 de Messenger Plus!
Messenger Plus! Live 4.82.368 (30/06/2009)

* Messenger Plus! is now entirely compatible with Windows 7 (RC minimum) :
o The Messenger Lock feature has been fixed. A new icon is added to the tray in Windows 7 if an unlock keyboard shortcut is not specified.
o The default Messenger Lock icon in Windows 7 has been changed to blend in better in the new UI (hourglass: shell32.dll,323).
o Note: the jump list of Messenger will work properly when using the Multiple-Accounts (polygamy) option but you'll get the options for only one of your Messenger clients.
o Tabbed chats display a proper preview (peek) picture with a list of currently opened chats. Chats waiting for input are colorized in the thumbnail and Alt+Tab or Win+Tab combinations also display the proper picture.
o A couple of other minor fixes here and there to make the Windows 7 experience complete.
* The settings of your scripts and skins can now be exported from the preferences panel and re-imported back.
o Only the settings of the scripts/skins are exported and not the scripts/skins themselves.
o As far as scripts are concerned, only the scripts that put their settings where they're supposed to (see MsgPlus.ScriptRegPath) will be concerned by this new feature.
* This release is contest-ready!
o In this version, you will see a new golden icon in your Messenger toolbar. Those who participated in the contest 2 years ago will probably remember what this is.
o A "Play and Win" menu has been added in the contact list.
o The 2009 Contest is not open yet, it will be in about a week from now. Remember to give it a try in July!
* The bug present in beta versions of IE8 has been fixed in IE8 Final. The workaround for displaying long chat logs in the Log Viewer has been removed.
* Navigation arrows are now added in Windows 7 for tabbed chats, below the Aero Peek thumbnail in the task bar. Use them to switch from one chat to the next.
* Fixed: the background of the title bars of Messenger Plus! windows does not display correctly with bright colors.
* When a directory is selected in the Log Viewer, the log currently displayed is removed from the screen.
* Fixed: default Messenger sounds for event notifications and new external emails aren't played by Messenger Plus! in Messenger 2009.
* Scripts. Fixed: scripts may be automatically started and marked as "running" the first time Messenger is restarted after a script has been updated, even if the script is disabled.
* Skins. Fixed: new border areas specified in <Dimensions> do not work in Messenger 2009 Final.
* Skins: Fixed: the <FrameCount> element in <MetaData> is not used if specified without any other meta data.
* A couple of stability fixes. Runaway, from the river to the street.
Télécharger Messenger Plus! Live 4.82
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