WinRAR est un utilitaire à la base conçu pour décompresser les fichiers .RAR mais il en fait bien plus puisqu'il accepte beaucoup de formats de compression qu'il peut (dé)compresser
Si vous ne voulez pas vous embêter avec plusieurs programmes de décompression alors choisissez WinRAR
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1 commentaire pour “WinRAR”
WinRAR est compatible Windows 7 à Windows 11. Version d'essai limité à 30 jours d'utilisation. Nécessite une licence à 29.95€ HT afin pouvoir l'utiliser plus longuement.
Version 7.01
1. Bugs fixed:
a) updating an encrypted file in a solid RAR archive produced
a corrupt archive if updated file was the first in archive,
no password was specified when starting updating and file name
encryption in the updated archive wasn't enabled;
b) WinRAR 7.00 crashed after switching to "Flat folders view" mode
from archive subfolder;
c) switch -ep4 duplicated the specified path instead of excluding it
when extracting;
d) if archive created by Unix RAR version contained symlinks with
path separator characters in target paths, these characters could be
broken when modifying such archive with Windows RAR;
e) invalid file name was displayed in file rename and file execute
WinRAR error messages;
f) SFX "Shortcut" command failed to recognize empty parameters
defined like "Shortcut=D,"",folder", while correctly recognizing
such parameters without quote marks like "Shortcut=D,,folder";
g) volume reconstruction didn't work in WinRAR.exe if "rc" command
was specified with .rev file, such as "WinRAR rc arc.part1.rev".
Unlike RAR, WinRAR required to use only .rar file name here.