Pour Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / 7
7Zip est l'un des meilleurs logiciels de compression / décompression disponible sous Windows. Il permet de décompresser la plupart des formats d'archive existants et aussi d'utiliser son propre format : le 7z qui donne des taux de compression très intéressants.
Très simple d'utilisation, gratuit et open-source, il sera le meilleur compagnon de votre ordinateur.
The default dictionary size values for 32-bit versions of LZMA/LZMA2 don't exceed 64 MB.
- 7-Zip now can calculate the following hash checksums: SHA-512, SHA-384, SHA3-256 and MD5.
- APM and HFS support was improved.
- If an archive update operation uses a temporary archive folder and the archive is moved to the destination folder, 7-Zip shows the progress of moving the archive file, as this operation can take a long time if the archive is large.
- The bug was fixed: 7-Zip File Manager didn't propagate Zone.Identifier stream for extracted files from nested archives (if there is open archive inside another open archive).
- Some bugs were fixed.
1 commentaire pour “7Zip”
- 7-Zip now can calculate the following hash checksums: SHA-512, SHA-384, SHA3-256 and MD5.
- APM and HFS support was improved.
- If an archive update operation uses a temporary archive folder and the archive is moved to the destination folder, 7-Zip shows the progress of moving the archive file, as this operation can take a long time if the archive is large.
- The bug was fixed: 7-Zip File Manager didn't propagate Zone.Identifier stream for extracted files from nested archives (if there is open archive inside another open archive).
- Some bugs were fixed.