NDFR : Azureus
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Une nouvelle version du célèbre client BitTorrent, Azureus, vient de sortir. Utilisant la technologie Java, Azureus se chargera de gérer la file d'attente et le niveau de priorité de vos téléchargements en cours, de démarrer ou de stopper la disponibilité de vos fichiers sur le réseau, de consulter de nombreuses informations sur vos Torrents lorsqu'ils sont en cours de téléchargement… Azureus comporte en outre un tracker incorporé, simple d’utilisation et prêt à l’emploi.

Au menu des nouveautés, on notera tout particulièrement l'apparition d'une base de données distribuée permettant de tracker les torrents dont le tracker ne répond pas ou plus, un meilleur protocole de messagerie, le Joltid Peer Cache (JPC) qui devrait accélérer les téléchargements et réduire l'utilisation de bande passante, un plugin de Chat et un plugin d'évaluation/commentaires de Torrent.
Changelog complet de la version
Nouvelles fonctions :
Core | Client support for the 'trackerid' announce extension
Core | Client support for the 'min interval' announce extension
Core | Added options to disable scrape entirely or just for non-running torrents
Core | RSS Feed parse APIs added to plugin interface
Core | Non-blocking sockets based TCP tracker implementation
Core | Client identification plugin interface
Core | Separate protocol payload and overhead stats
Core | Data deletion can now defer to Recycle Bin and Trash under Windows and Mac OS X, respectively
Core | Distributed Database
Core | Decentralised tracking
Core | Magnet URI for location of decentralised torrents
Core | Ability to update built-in plugins independently of the core
Core | Diagnostic collection for system properties and config settings
Core | added option to move newly completed seeds to the end of the seeding list, rather than the front
Core | Support for I2P plugin
Core | Network selection support (public, i2p, tor)
Core | Inter-client peer exchange
UI | Option to disable small fonts under OSX
UI | Console support for aliases
UI | Torrent export option added to SWT UI
UI | Keyboard shortcut parsing system
UI | System tray menus for setting global upload and download bandwidth limits
UI | Synthesized speech alerts for Mac OS X; Go to Azureus / Preferences to enable it
UI | New file icon for Mac OS X
Plug | Added local host configuration setting for statusmailer
Plug | Reworked CSS for tracker web pages to create old and new styles
Plug | StartStop Rules: First Priority ignore Rules: 0 Peers and SeedsPeers Ratio
Plug | RSS Feed added to tracker web pages
Plug | Tracker stats added to tracker web pages
Plug | Generic Messaging API: inter-client message passing
Plug | Joltid Peer Cache plugin is now bundled with Azureus
Plug | I2P plugin

Modifications apportées :
Core | Smarter re-announce interval handling, especially for lopsided swarms
Core | Added many new peerid identifications
Core | First piece priority option now also prioritizes last piece of file
Core | NAT check functions even when downloads have already been started
Core | Update check can now check via configured proxy
Core | Rewritten download code: decreased cpu usage and faster speeds in LAN network environments
Core | Network IP_TOS option now sets required registry setting under Win2K/XP
Core | Favor establishing inbound peer connections, to increase the health of swarms with firewalled clients
Core | Improved seeding unchoking algorithm: distributes data more evenly
Core | Anti-leech code to prevent optimistic unchoke leechers
Core | Reduced threads required for multiple torrents
Core | Relaxed cross-torrent file locking to permit multiple read access
Core | changed HTTP user-agent to include OS and java version
Core | max cache size limited to 32M less than VM size
UI | Reintroduced download completion alerts in Mac OS X (use System Preferences / Sound to set the alert sound of choice)
UI | For Mac OS X, contextual menu items no longer carry images for better compliance with Apple Human Interface Guidelines
UI | RFE #1092614: Informational popup messages now auto-close after 5 seconds - unless the message window is closed manually, or if the mouse is over it / details view is open (the timing will be 'reset' then)
UI | Miscellaneous cosmetics updates for Mac OS X
UI | Bug #1112278: https:// URLs now autopaste in Open URL window
UI | Main menu bar should now be more streamlined in its arrangement
UI | Console view will now display information logged (for the duration of the application session) when the Console view is closed
UI | ETA and remaining now take into account DHD files
Plug | More choices in First Priority ShareRatio

Corrections de bugs :
Core | IPFilters loaded from static config file weren't working
Core | Fix re-announce interval bug when zero peers in swarm
Core | Send uninterested message when complete while using do-not-download feature
Core | Optimistic Connect, when seeding, no longer drops just random connections
Core | Better recovery from corrupt resume data
Core | Better handling of invalid torrent save locations
Core | fix for SSL (https) problems introduced by changes in JDK 5.0
Core | fix for hash-fails when running with cache + incremental file creation enabled
Core | Fix scrape processing stall bug when scrape url was invalid
UI | Corrected save dialog behaviour on Make Torrent Wizard regarding file selection
UI | Bug #953619 concerning Mac OS X: Double-clicking .torrent files now activate Azureus with the expected Finder dialogs (Dragging files to the Dock icon will continue to malfunction for the indefinite future)
UI | Bug #1120995: Improper validation could allow unreasonably low global upload cap
UI | Main window no longer tries to steal focus on opening (Mac OS X)
UI | Pop up messages no longer try to steal focus (Mac OS X)
UI | Resolved fuzzy dock icon display under Mac OS X if Column Setup is opened
UI | Upload caps for individual transfers now display more sensible values if global upload cap is set to unlimited
UI | In My Torrents, a category view will no longer prevent its corresponding table view's horizontal scrolling
UI | Download bars should no longer disappear when the main window is minimized (Mac OS X)
UI | Certain table column contents no longer 'disappear' when a row is selected (Mac OS X)
Plug | StartStop Rules: Autostart Seed Count Only and Prefer Large Swarms removed First Priority

Télécharger Azureus pour Windows (multilingue, gratuit, 6,4 Mo)
Télécharger Java JRE 1.5.0_03 (requis)
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14 commentaires pour “Azureus”

  1. LeMoi a dit (le 25-05-2005 à 12:20)
    Une petite mise à jour vers la version
    Changelog :

    FEATURE: UI | Console UI now has update check, alerting and DHT stats [Parg]
    FEATURE: UI | SWT make torrent wizard remembers value for "add other hashes" [Parg]
    FEATURE: UI | Console UI logging config [Fatal]
    FEATURE: Plug | Added progress indicator and torrent stats to tracker web templates [Parg, Gouss]
    FEATURE: Plug | Availability column added to webui + some alignment changes [Parg]
    FEATURE: Plug | XML/http interface access to individual torrent file stats added [Parg]

    CHANGE: Core | CPU usage reductions when connected to many idle peers [Nolar]
    CHANGE: Core | Disable console view logging by default [Nolar]
    CHANGE: Core | Memory usage reductions and optimizations [Gudy, Parg, Nolar]
    CHANGE: Core | Improved long-term connection-attempt management [Nolar]
    CHANGE: Core | DHT bootstrap in absence of version-check server improved [Parg]
    CHANGE: Core | DHT IP filter reports reduced [Parg]
    CHANGE: Core | Disk manager read/write threads now started on demand [Parg]
    CHANGE: UI | Default for "add other hashes" in make torrent wizard and sharing config changed to false [Parg]
    CHANGE: UI | Retention of log history removed as taking up to 1MB mem [Parg]
    CHANGE: UI | Added missing spaces back into SWT dock item's tooltip [Parg]
    CHANGE: UI | Restore version number on status bar and add protocol rate to the stats view [Nolar]
    CHANGE: Plug | JPC plugin refactoring to help reduce cache server load [Nolar]

    BUGFIX: Core | Fix compatibility with JRE 1.4 series under Win32 due to NIO bug [Nolar]
    BUGFIX: Core | Ignore peers with these data ports config option didn't work the DHT and PEX obtained peers [Nolar]

    BUGFIX: Core | DHT IP derivation from contacts fixed [Parg]
  2. Mythrandir a dit (le 31-05-2005 à 16:21)
    bonsoir tout le monde, jai un petit probleme depuis deux jours. azureus me marque "erreur de connection" dans la colonne "tracker" quel que soit le torrent que j'y mette. J'ai bien essayé de changer de version mais la me pose le même problème.
    quelqu'un peut-il m'aider?

    EDIT: en fait le torrent se télécharge mais cette "erreur de connection" m'intrigue quelqu'un sait ce que c'est???
  3. Samva a dit (le 31-05-2005 à 16:23)
    Certainement un problème de blocage de port sur ton routeur... si ce n'est simplement que les trackers n'étaient pas légaux et on vu leur activité interrompue par action de justice par exemple...

    Dans ce cas je te conseille d'utiliser Bittorent a des fins plus légales...
  4. Mythrandir a dit (le 31-05-2005 à 16:25)
    non non les trackers n'ont pas été arrétés ça j'en suis sur....
    mais à part ça comment savoir si un tracker est légal??
  5. Samva a dit (le 31-05-2005 à 16:30)
    Principalement le contenu que tu télécharges... Si le contenu est illégal, il va sans dire que le tracker peut être considéré comme illégal.
  6. Khobbs a dit (le 31-05-2005 à 19:24)
    donc on peut s'attendre au peer du meilleur avec cette nouvelle version
  7. LeMoi a dit (le 27-06-2005 à 12:19)
    Version :
    FEATURE: Core | DHT torrent lookup now based on sha1(hash) and torrent xfer encrypted using hash-derived key [Parg]
    FEATURE: Core | More aggressive banning of peers sending bad data - algorithm change and block-banning feature [Gudy,Parg]
    FEATURE: Core | Support for multiple DHT networks on same port [Parg]
    FEATURE: Core | Introduced "passive torrents" - these are tracked but not downloaded [Parg]
    FEATURE: Core | Category setting functions added to "My Tracker" [Parg]
    FEATURE: Core | Added ability to make plugin config ui components invisible [Parg]
    FEATURE: UI | Average peer speed for swarm column added [Nolar]
    FEATURE: Plug | Plugin interface extension to allow per-plugin torrent-attributes [Parg]
    FEATURE: Plug | Plugin ResourceDownload feature for accessing content-type [Parg]

    CHANGE: Core | Improved optimistic unchoke anti-leech algorithms [Nolar]
    CHANGE: Core | CVS versions run multiple DHTs to permit validations of changes [Parg]
    CHANGE: Core | DHT anti-spoof for cache forwards [Parg]
    CHANGE: Core | DHT mechanisms for flood prevention [Parg]
    CHANGE: Core | Added local tracker url to torrents when hosting external torrents [Parg]
    CHANGE: Core | Hosted torrents now become "passively tracked" when their corresponding download is removed [Parg]
    CHANGE: Core | More pro-active injection of DHT scrapes for torrents with failing trackers [Parg]
    CHANGE: Plug | More JPC plugin enhancements to help reduce cache server load [Nolar]

    BUGFIX: Core | DHT protocol version logic fixes [Parg]
    BUGFIX: Core | Fix for 100% cpu when more than 60 connections are registered with a selector under buggy network stacks [Nolar]
    BUGFIX: Core | Invalid listen port configuration would prevent Azureus from starting [Nolar]
    BUGFIX: Core | Added hooks to catch Windows shutdown events to allow graceful Azureus exit [Nolar]
    BUGFIX: Core | Fix for start-stopped non-simple torrents showing data-missing error on restart [Parg]
    BUGFIX: Core | Fix for drag-n-drop SWT exceptions blocking Azureus startup [Nolar]
    BUGFIX: Core | Fixed up "interested" message for downloads with "do not download" files [Parg,Nolar]
    BUGFIX: UI | Categories not being correctly displayed when torrents transit between downloading and seeding [Parg]

    toujours les mêmes liens normalement
  8. LeMoi a dit (le 06-02-2006 à 21:42)
    La sortie de la semble imminente, après redémarrage de l'installation de la dernière CVS (beta 43) on a droit à un joli changelog et une estampillation du changelog (meme si ça reste une version B47)
  9. KnuX a dit (le 06-02-2006 à 22:43)
    Vite une news avec un logo Scoop ou Exclu
  10. LeMoi a dit (le 07-02-2006 à 18:49)
    Oups j'ai rien dit, y a carrément 3 beta qui sont sorties entretemps
  11. KnuX a dit (le 23-08-2006 à 12:04)
  12. emile98700 (non inscrit) a dit (le 14-09-2010 à 20:17)
    c'est ton par feu Windows ou ton par feu ta ta box que tu dois régler mettre le mon du logiciel ouvrir les port correspondent au logiciel que ta mis en place va dans option connections et tu verras le port que tu dois ouvrir si tu a une live-box sur google tu pourras trouver comment régler ta live-box et comment ouvrir tel ou tel port si tes liens torrent proviennes de trackers ou de site priver ouvre la page du site met ton pseudo et mot de passe et ca devrai marcher mais ouvre la page du dit site priver ou pas il faut que tu soit reconnu sur le site avant .quand cela est fais prend un lien torrent provenant du site et lance le si tu as le même message règle le par-feu ou routeur de ta box et ca devrai marcher .
    et que le site est illégale ou pas quand tu as bien ouvert routeur ou par feu et vérifier si le site marche il devrai pas avoir de problème bon dl et a +
  13. LeMoi a dit (le 22-09-2010 à 18:42)
    Joli déterrage. Il faudra emmener ton clavier en réparation quand même, je crois que ta touche de virgule est cassée, de même que ta touche Majuscule !
  14. Non inscrit (non inscrit) a dit (le 18-03-2011 à 11:46)
    ajoutez Facebook comme exception dans les préférences de votre programme de blocage

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