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Old 13-01-2005, 17:50
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Werner Werner is offline
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PE Builder v3.1.3

Une nouvelle version de PE Builder est disponible. Il s'agit de la version 3.1.3. Pour rappel, PE Builder vous permet de concevoir gratuitement un live CD basé sur votre CD de Windows XP ou Windows Server 2003 en quelques clics de souris. PE Builder s'inspire de WinPE mais il a la particularité d'intégrer une GUI entièrement paramétrable (menu en XML). Grâce au système de plugins il est possible d'intégrer des pilotes spécifiques (contrôleurs disques, stockages externes, cartes réseaux, etc...). Vous l'aurez compris, l'intérêt principal de ce programme résidant dans le fait de concevoir son propre CD de réparation d'urgence...

Liste des changements depuis la 3.1.0
Changes to pebuilder.exe:
- Changed the way that the splash screen was destroyed. Hopefully this will fix that sometimes pebuilder comes up behind some other window.
- PE Builder does not copy addon language files like spr*.dll and obr*.dll anymore. These files can be found in the file layout.inf section SourceDisksFiles and have a number between 700 and 740 in the 8th column. These files would overwrite the original file that is in the correct language. For example: When building from Windows XP SP2 US, xpsp2res.dll would be in the "Lithuanian" language.
- If the "-auto" command line option is specified, pebuilder does not prompt the license agreement.
Changed items:
- plugin\peinst.cmd: added timeout=30 option for boot.ini and a small path fix for mkbt.exe.
- plugin\autorun: updated to v1.0.5
- plugin\nu2menu\nu2menu.xml: Added a dummy @SetMenuPos( 'L','B' ) to fix position of the "go" button after screen resolution change.
- plugin\ultravnc\ultravnc.inf: small fix if missing some files
- plugin\zz5\peloader\peloader_nu2menu.xml: removed an invalid line <?xml version="1.0"?>.
Changes to pebuilder.exe:
- Fixed a bug when adding some network drivers. PE Builder did not find the device sections when the Version/provider string is not equal to the key listed in the Manufacturer section. Fixed.
- The "ISOduplicatesonce=1" option in the input.inf did not work, fixed.
Changes to pebuilder.exe:
- The "-exit" command line parameter did not work, fixed.
Changed items:
- Updated plugin\ultravnc. Some small changes and fixes. Added the ultravnc.htm file.
Site officiel :
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Aides et explications pour les français :
Présentation de quelques plugins pour PE Builder :
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