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Old 11-10-2013, 18:35
Posts: n/a
OK angle brackets are inrrpeteted as code!!!! I'll replace them with square brackets.The paragraph should read:1) Preview isn’t live, and isn’t a preview. Eg if code contains [colbreak], when the preview catches up all that is shown is [colbreak]. When first installed there are three default time zones – and they need to be shown in the preview. As the “workaround†is to press Apply and hover over your icon, the easiest fix might be to remove the Preview!2) I’m attempting to code this information[z][dst][colbreak][d-s] [24h2]:[m]The information after [colbreak] is identical to one of the standard formats and is left justified. That’s the way I’ve always used it up to now. The code and daylight saving data (3 to 5 characters) is to the left of [colbreak], and is right justified. I want it left justified. I tried adding another [colbreak] to the start, but that effectively disables the second [colbreak] and the data just runs together.
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