NDFR : Azureus
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Une nouvelle version du célèbre client BitTorrent, Azureus, vient de sortir. Utilisant la technologie Java, Azureus se chargera de gérer la file d'attente et le niveau de priorité de vos téléchargements en cours, de démarrer ou de stopper la disponibilité de vos fichiers sur le réseau, de consulter de nombreuses informations sur vos Torrents lorsqu'ils sont en cours de téléchargement… Azureus comporte un tracker incorporé, simple d’utilisation et prêt à l’emploi.

Si vous ne connaissez pas bien la technologie BitTorrent, c’est le moment d’aller retrouver ici un excellent article sur le réseau BitTorrent, rédigé par Cougar et Benjy.

Sans plus tarder, voici les nouveautés apportées par cette version :
Nouveautés depuis la version
Nouvelles fonctions :
Core | Disk cache [Parg]
Core | Ability to set IP type-of-service (TOS) field for outbound data [Nolar]
Core | Show current upload and download limits in status area [Parg]
Core | Locale selection - options to add in all defined encodings + show lax list [Parg]
Core | Change the incoming data port without restarting [Parg]
Core | Display "warning message" responses in announce replies [Parg]
Core | Added option for tracker to perform a connectability check to peers [Parg]
Core | Have message aggregation, for bandwidth savings/efficiency [Nolar]
Core | Torrent HTTP urls now accepted as program command line parameter [Nolar]
Core | Option added to disable system tray [Parg]
Core | Concurrent hashing for >1 CPU [Parg]
Core | Added ability to not outward connect to a defined set of port numbers [Parg]
Core | SOCKS V4, V4a and V5 (no auth/user+password methods) support for outgoing data connections [Parg]
Core | Torrents created by Azureus now include .utf-8 fields [Parg]
Core | Dynamic piece request queue scaling [Gudy]
Core | Added torrent name to authentication dialog [Parg]
Core | Per-torrent upload speed limits [Nolar,Gudy]
Core | Ability to change the sound played on torrent completion added [Parg]
Core | Added session uptime to stats [Nolar]
UI | 'Download' menu added with start/stop all + pause/resume options [Parg]
UI | Table col sort order default option added, thanks to Charnobo! [Parg]
UI | URL Downloader window now support to set-up referrer and saves last used referrers [Parg, Gudy]
UI | New Statistic page about the disk cache (yeah more CPU consuming graphs) [Gudy]
UI | Down/Up speed indicators in main view are now double-clickable to open the Stats View [Gudy]
UI | Added Path and # Remaining Pieces to Files view, Tracker Name to MyTorrents view [Nolar]
Plug | webui support for torrent encoding choice [Parg]
Plug | Tracker torrent stats available via xml/http interface [Parg]

Modifications apportées :
Core | Show time to re-announce/scrape in general view using hh::mm:s [Parg]
Core | Timeout tracker server operations [Parg]
Core | Torrent opener will now report errors opening torrents better [Parg]
Core | Complete core networking/messaging rewrite [Nolar]
Core | Stop scrape on UDP V2 torrents when download running [Parg]
Core | Refactor of DiskManager [Parg]
Core | Protocol tweaking for significantly reduced discard rates [Nolar]
Core | Tracker now treats port value of 0 as 'explicitly firewalled' [Parg]
Core | Tracker client will revert to "initialised" state after explicit failure from tracker [Parg]
Core | Locale selection changed to show more possible encodings [Parg]
Core | XML stats - downloads ordered by downloading/index then seeding/index [Parg]
Core | Reworked connection establishment to conform to new WinXP SP2 limits [Nolar]
Core | When restarting torrents are checked in smallest->largest size [Parg]
Core | Reworked the piece picking so that slow peers don't "block" pieces to be completed [Gudy]
Core | JAR signing for webui (etc) now based on "tools.jar" from Sun JDK due to changes with their 1.5 JRE [Parg]
Core | "Pause" command now greyed out if there is nothing to pause [Parg]
Core | Create-torrent wizard now remembers comment data on back button + defaults for open/save dirs [Parg]
Core | Reduced memory used of ipfilter list to help support large list sizes [Parg]
Core | Added "*.*" to list of selectable file types in open-torrent dialogs [Parg]
UI | Added a legend to the Pieces View [Gudy]
UI | Pieces View now display if the blocks are in the cache or not [Gudy]
UI | New Tools menu, Configuration --> Options, Plugins root menu, Language selection moved to config [Nolar,Gudy]
Plug | UPnP plugin now only uses plugin interfaces [Parg]
Plug | Differentiate UDP and TCP mappings in UPnP desc as some routers need this [Parg]
Plug | UpdateLanguagePlugin removed, as no longer maintained [Nolar]

Corrections de bugs :
Core | Throw an error message if existing data file length is too large [Nolar]
Core | Fix new bug with tracker announce every 10s when no peers were connected [Nolar]
Core | Fix for renaming files across volumes [Parg]
Core | Torrent auto-import now works with console UI [Nolar]
Core | Bug when setting upload to unlimited (forced download to unlimited too) [Parg]
Core | Set downloaded amount correctly when opening a torrent with existing download data [Parg]
Core | Detect changed file sizes (smaller) when resuming torrents [Parg]
Core | Random shuffling of multi-tracker torrent URLs fixed [Parg]
Core | Fix occasional 60sec delay on initial tracker announce [Nolar]
Core | Fix for reading piece data from a too-long file [Nolar/Parg]
Core | Stop scraping all announce URLs in a torrent when removing torrent [Parg]
Core | File handle closing [Parg/Nolar]
UI | Labels with '&' displaying incorrectly [Parg]
UI | Torrent Downloader Window : retry button now placed correctly [Gudy]
UI | Fix for clicking the plugins directory and open the folder from the Configuration>Plugins view [Gudy]
UI | Fix for animated message windows not being at the right place on dual monitors. [Gudy,Bluelive]
Plug | Netgear WGT624 was crashing when processing UPnP requests [Parg]
Plug | Webui 'view' mode wasn't working [Parg]
Plug | Webui - excessively long status text messing up table [Parg]
Plug | azplugins - web tracker pages wasn't picking up "show details" option [Parg]
Plug | webui - fixed bug with re-ordering of columns [Parg]

Vous pouvez consulter de nombreux screenshots de ce logiciel ici.

Télécharger Azureus pour :

  • Windows (multilingue, gratuit, 5 Mo)
  • Linux : GTK ou Motif (multilingue, gratuit, 5 Mo)
  • Mac OS X (multilangue, gratuit, 4,5 Mo)
Source : Open-Files
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  • Spurl.net
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  • Wikio
  • Yahoo! Bookmarks
  • Yahoo! Myweb

6 commentaires pour “Azureus”

  1. LeMoi a dit (le 01-11-2004 à 11:59)
    Cache disque, nouveau code réseau, parapètres d'upload pour chaque torrent, que du bon dans cette version ^^ (et même une nouvelle icône du tray, une réorganisation des menus un peu moins fouillis, etc. )
  2. Toitoine a dit (le 01-11-2004 à 12:25)
    Hmm, il ne faut pas être pressé, c'est un peu saturé .
    Sinon Azureus rox !
  3. LeMoi a dit (le 01-11-2004 à 12:31)
    En attendant vous pouvez prendre le torrent contenant le .jar, c'est très rapide, il contient le 'core' mais pas la traduction, mais c'est deja ça, en attendant
  4. Cougar a dit (le 01-11-2004 à 13:15)
    Sinon y a l'autoupdate, 13000 sources, en 30 secondes c'est réglé ^^
  5. -MaTT- a dit (le 01-11-2004 à 20:47)
    Les 3/4 des menus et éléments de l'UI sont non-traduits (pourtant c'est english qui est est selectionné...). Par contre si je mets FR, tout est bon. Comem la traduction est assez mauvaise, j'aimerai revenir à une version anglaise, mais j'ai touours ce problèmes de menus non-traduits... Personne n'a une idée?

    edit: J'ai trouvé la solution, il s'agit d'un bug instauré dans cette nouvelle version. Il est décrit ici: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index...22&atid=575154
    Il suffit de supprimer le fichier MessagesBundle.propertie dans X:\Documents and Settings\xxx\Application Data\Azureus et de redémarrer azureus.
  6. LeMoi a dit (le 01-11-2004 à 21:29)
    Merci de l'info, j'avais le même problème à cause de la mise à jour cvs chaque jour

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